Essential Information For Parents
Information for Parents
School Hours
The school day begins at 7:15am and ends at 2:15pm. No staff members are on campus to supervise students who are dropped off prior to 7:00am. Students are expected to be at school and in class on time. Students who arrive after 7:20am are considered tardy and must report to the front office to sign in.
Student Drop Off/Pick-Up Area
Students who are driven to school by parents should be delivered and picked up in the gymnasium area. All students dropped off in the morning must report to the cafeteria. Students should NOT be dropped or picked up at the front office. Vehicles should not be left unattended in the student-loading zone. If parents have business in the school, vehicles should be parked in the designated spaces by the front office.
Breakfast and Lunch
Breakfast is served daily from 7:00am to 7:20am. All students have the opportunity to eat a free breakfast at school. A free school lunch is also available daily for our students. If a parent wishes, a lunchbox may be brought from home. Please send items that do not need to be heated.
Children Leaving During School Hours
If a student needs to be picked up early or if there is any change in the way your child goes home, we MUST be given a note. Otherwise, your child will be sent home the regular way. No change will be accepted after 1:30pm or by phone.
Remember: classes are being taught until dismissal time. If a student is checked out early, they will miss instructional time. Parents must show their picture ID and sign their child out any time they are picked up before the end of the school day. No early checkouts will occur after 3:00pm.
Campus Visitors
All visitors on campus must check in and obtain passes from the office. Said passes must be approved by the school's administration case by case. Visitors will be expected to produce a picture ID upon arrival on campus. Passes must be visible at all times while on campus. Students are not allowed to bring guests to school during regular school hours.
Absences due to the following reasons will be excused: illness, death in family, religious holiday, subpoena by any law enforcement agency, as well as other justifiable reasons as long as there is prior approval by administration. The student's parent or guardian will need to write a note giving the reason for the absence. This note will need to be taken directly to the attendance desk in the front office. Only THREE notes from home per nine weeks will be excused; all other will be unexcused. Students have two days for every day missed to obtain and complete make-up work.
Change of Contact Information
It is very important that the school office be informed if you change addresses or telephone numbers during the school year. Current addresses and phone numbers will facilitate mailing, emergencies, and communication between the school and home. Please make sure that the emergency contact people on record at the school are aware that they may be called in case we are unable to reach you.
School Clinic
The clinic is open from the start of the student day to the end of the student day. Students must have a pass from their teacher in order to visit the clinic. If students are ill, the clinic staff must call home for them. Students are NOT to call parents on their cell phones of their illness unless directed to do so by a faculty member. A rest area is available for emergencies only
Medication Policy
In order for any student to receive medication during school hours, the parent or guardian must provide the medication and written permission. Medication must be brought to the front office or health room by the parent. The medication must be in its original container and clearly labeled with the student’s name. Staff working in the health room can only give medicine brought in by the parent, and the parent has to give written permission. Any medication to be given more than 2 weeks will require a physician’s authorization. Please do not allow your student to carry any medication on them or in their backpack.
Report Cards and Progress Reports
Report cards are distributed at the end of each nine week grading period and are yours to keep. Report cards contain academic grades as well as attendance data. Scholastic or academic grades will be given according to the following scale: A= 90-100, B= 80-89, C=70-79, D=60-69, F=0-59. Progress reports are issued four and a half weeks after the beginning of each grading period. Teachers will expect parents to sign and return progress reports. Parent/teacher conferences will be scheduled after the progress reports are distributed. You can find the dates of the conferences In our website.
Safety Practices
Several safety practices will be conducted during the school year for the safety of our students. These practices will include; fire practices, hazardous weather practices, lock-down practices, and intruder practices. Each time a new practice is introduced, the teacher/s will give the student/s detailed explanations of what is expected of them, what they can expect, and the procedures they will need to follow. Once the initial type of practice is completed, additional practices will not have warnings.
Please note that during practices or if a situation would ever occur and we would have to go into a lock-down situation, parents would not be permitted to check students out of school until law enforcement has the situation under control and grants us permission to do so. Please know that our staff at Clewiston Middle School puts the safety of your child first!